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03 February 2012

Oh, So Charming

It's been a while since I've done one of these, but I've still been starring and bookmarking what I've thought were absolutely charming finds to share with you!  So here you go!

Kristen over at Confessions of a GDS, wrote this wonderful post on typography.

I would really love a print of the anatomical heart, like this:
All Etsy shops seem to have is the anatomical heart printed on dictionary paper.  I just want the heart!  Without the names of the branches, preferably.  And preferably in black ink.  Okay, maybe I'm picky, but I would really like one of these babies up on my wall.  I might have to design it myself unless any of you have suggestions?

This was a beautiful post by BeVirtue about a unique Deuteronomy bible verse.  I was bewildered.

I love this flower topiary DIY by JustLovelyThings:
Jess at Pretty Physicist has a wonderful new series: The Science of Beauty.  Check them out, they are definitely worth a read.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love the heart print also. I haven't seen any that meet your requirements though. ;) I'll keep my eye open!


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