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11 July 2013

Having It All

I've always been a pretty type-A personality as well as a big dreamer.  I remember when I was a little girl to be a marine biologist and study sharks as well as enlist in the navy. I also wanted to be a movie star and travel the world. Now? Well up until very recently I still wanted to enlist in the navy (as a nurse) and I definitely still want to travel the world. With all these dreams, it's kind of easy for me to get stir crazy and bored with the present. 

In this day in age, I'm sure many women are like me and wanting to have it all.  I mean, why can't a girl have it all anyways?  To be a wonderful wife and a super mom and do medical missions in Africa, manage a blog, write a book, do graphic design and photography on the side, be a rescue scuba diver, become a family nurse practitioner then get my Ph.D., and work as an epidemiologist for the CDC and work to improve public health conditions throughout the world.  Why, yes, those are some of my current (and pretty permanent) dreams/goals for my life.  Am I crazy?  Probably!  But it's my dreams that motivate me each and every day to get up and do something with my life.  God gave me these dreams to help me live His mission for me.  And my husband?  Well he has just as many dreams as I do so it's only natural that he's my biggest cheerleader for mine.

My advice to having it all: slow down, embrace the moment, and learn from today so that I can master tomorrow.

When working to "have it all," it's often a go, go, go lifestyle that ends up being more detrimental than anything else.  I learned this lesson pretty roughly in 2011 when I hit the lowest point of my life, both with school, my relationships, and my health.  Life throws you curveballs, and I had to learn that it's okay to have dreams, but sometimes you can't plan every detail to the tee.  God has a way of being like:

"Okay, Amy, I want you to do this... but not that.  
And it's okay, because you are going to be so happy 
you won't even regret not going down that path."

Will I be all of those things I listed above?  Maybe!  I may not be all of them, but I know I will be quite a few of them.  For right now, I have all that I need and I am the best I can be for today and tomorrow (as far as I know) and that's all that matters.  Because who I am today is going to help me continue to "have it all."

Thanks to The Style Network for sponsoring today's discussion.
Watch on Sunday, July 14 as Tia & Tamera kick of season 3 on 
The Style Network where they, too, try to have it all.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! I think this is especially true for women when they start having kids. They want to be supermom and also maintain who they were before kids and it's a lot!!

    PS - you have to let me know if you are still coming in town!!!


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