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05 March 2013

Adding a Signature to Your Posts

I am so excited to be here today to share with you all how to add a signature to your blog posts! 
I know HTML, CSS, and all that can be scary for most people, but I promise this is an easy way, only using the smallest bit of HTML coding.

Step 1:
Create your signature. There are SO many programs you can use to do this, but to stick with the basics today, I used Paint which every computer should have already installed.

Step 2:
You are going to upload this image to an image hosting website. I always use Photobucket. Its simple to use and allows a ton of free space to upload your images. You will need to keep this page up, as you will be copying the DIRECT LINK url, as shown below, and pasting it into your HTML code.

Step 3:
Go to your Blogger homepage and click on Settings.
Then click Posts and Comments.
Finally, click on ADD next to Post Template.
A box will pop up and this is where you will paste this HTML code.
(Make sure you replace where it says SIGNATUREURL with your image url we copied from Photobucket)

<img class="centered" alt="post signature" src="SIGNATUREURL">

Your signature will now show up on any future posts you publish! 

I hope this was easy for you and that you'll stop by my blog sometime 
if you ever need any design help or inspiration!


  1. Wow! This is awesome. Thank's so much for sharing! I'm so happy to be a follower. xoxo


  2. Ooo I have been wondering how to do this!! Glad you are doing this Design Week! Way to go!! :)

  3. Yay! Thanks so much for all your tutorials of how to do things! It has helped me spruce up my blog a little bit!

  4. This was so helpful! I've had this on my list of things to figure out how to do and then I saw this on Bloglovin! :)

  5. By far the easiest tutorial for this that I've seen. THANK YOU!

  6. Seriously such a help! Thank you!


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xo, amy