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13 December 2012

Meet Carisa of Bunnies and Pearls!

Hi there, I'm Carisa and I blog over at Bunnies and Pearls! My blog is mostly about my everyday fashion with a few recipes and Diy's along the way. I am super excited to be posting for Amy on her blog today :) Thanks for having me! Amy asking me a few questions so you could get to know me better!

1. You married your high school sweetheart, do you have any advice to couples whether married or thinking about marriage?

My hubs and I started dating when we were freshman in highschool, in your most "molded" years we were molded together which is soooo cool! I am not one to say I know a ton about marriage but I can share 2 things that we have benefited from as a couple :)

1. The hubs and I tell each other everything! I know it's an old cliche but seriously it saves a lot of fights and resentment.

2. Show him/her you care even about the small things, a "thank you hunny for washing dishes" goes a long way and just the constant reinforcement brightens any ones day!

2. Instead of a dog, you two bought a rabbit as your furrbaby. What got you interested in having a bunny?

When the hubs and I were younger we were at a flea market and the Amish were selling meat rabbits, they were the cutest so the hubs bought one! He had "Jarvis" as an outdoor rabbit all up until we got married, we figured it would be easier to get an apartment without a pet. Well when we found out caged pets were rent free I begged him for another bunny that's when we craigslisted got my baby cotton :) Let me tell you this, bunnies are just as affectionate as cats, they respond to your voice, they have personalities that are hilarious  they are loving, and they are pretty low maintenance I think that equals the best pet ever!!

3. What inspired you to become an accountant?

I never in a million years would have pictured my self as an accountant growing up, even though I loved math. When I was in highschool my dad opened up his own accounting firm and I started working there. I loved it, it was nothing like the "cliche" accounting firm is. So I decided to get my degree and continue working there after college! Most of our clients are small businesses and non profits so I get to personally help each business grow :)

4. You've had a long day, what is your way to unwind?

My favorite thing to do when I get home is grab a glass of wine and put my feet up on the couch and talk to my hubs about his day :) we are also mega Netflix junkies, tv+wine+comfy clothes+loving husband=perfect way to unwind!

5. Flaunt your creative genius: what craft/recipe that you've made are you super proud of and want to share with us?

When I started my blog I originally wanted to share all of my recipes. I love to cook! Even though it transitioned into my fashion blog I still love cooking and planning dinner every-night! I also have slowly gotten into sewing and jewelry making below is an older post about making a necklace that I was pretty proud of! view the post {here}

Thanks so much Amy for letting me post!

Come stop by my blog and enter to win an iPad Mini!


  1. Love your blog!!!!! I was sent by Jessica Who and I'm not disappointed!


    Danielle Faith

  2. What a great blog you have here, thanks for all the inspiration! :)



  3. Commenting from the Messy Dirty Hair giveaway! :)


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Have a charming day ;)
xo, amy